Member Spotlight: Maya’s Cookies
Maya's Cookies has been delighting customers for the past 7 years. As the Founder & CEO, Maya takes pride in providing fresh-baked, gourmet vegan cookies in a variety of flavors, showcasing her years of perfecting plant-based recipes. Maya's Cookies has been distinguishing itself in the industry by offering delectable treats that are both vegan and irresistibly delicious.
Name of business/organization: Maya’s Cookies
First and last name: Maya Madsen
Name of owner(s): Maya Madsen
What is your role in your company? Founder & CEO
Location of business: 250 North City Drive #8, San Marcos CA 92078
Business website:
Business Instagram handle: @mayascookiessandiego
Business Facebook page:
How long have you been in business? 7 years
What does your business do? Maya's Cookies is America's #1 Black-Owned Gourmet Vegan Cookie Company.
What services and/or specialty products do you provide? We provide fresh-baked, gourmet vegan cookies in a variety of flavors, ranging from the classics to unique and out of the box creations.
How long have you been in business at your current location? (If applicable, at other locations?) Maya’s Cookies San Marcos will be celebrating its 1 year anniversary on July 15th, 2023! Our other brick and mortar location in Central San Diego has been open for 2 and ½ years.
What sets you apart from others in your industry? As a vegan with a sweet tooth, I had not been able to find that perfectly delicious, soft-baked gourmet vegan cookie, so I took matters into my own hands and spent years crafting my perfect plant-based cookie recipe.
What question are you asked most frequently by clients / prospective buyers? People always ask what our most popular flavors are or what my personal favorite is - I refuse to pick a favorite (it’s like picking a favorite child!) but our Chocolate Chip S’mores has been a best-seller for years.
What is your favorite business success story? Our business really transformed in June of 2020. Our progression as a business was halted by the pandemic but thanks to a viral tweet from actress Kerry Washington naming Maya’s Cookies as a Black-owned business to support, we were inundated with thousands of orders overnight. I did not have the ingredients, equipment or space to handle the high volume of sales and it took several weeks to catch up. We overcame that crazy boom and it helped us build Maya’s Cookies into what you see today and allowed us to expand into new communities, like San Marcos!
What motivated you to join The San Marcos Chamber? As someone doing business in San Marcos, what are you looking forward to accomplishing with the Chamber? Community engagement is a main motivator behind the Maya’s Cookies mission and I joined the San Marcos Chamber as a way to continue to build community and make connections as a business owner new to the city. I hope to evolve and grow along with the city and the Chamber, while giving back to the local organizations and groups that make San Marcos so special.
What's your best piece of business advice? Find a mentor! There are so many details that go into owning/operating a business and it’s okay to admit that we don’t know everything. Having a mentor to provide guidance, support or even just lend an understanding ear is incredibly helpful and reassuring as an entrepreneur.