Member Spotlight: Twin Oaks Golf Course
Twin Oaks Golf Course is celebrating its 30-year anniversary this year. General Manager Bryon Penfield shares his insights and updates everything that is happening at Twin Oaks CG.
What does your business do? Operate a public golf course, providing banquet venues indoor and outdoor for all events including weddings, parties and tournaments, also including food & beverage services.
What services and/or specialty products do you provide? Golf products, public golf course, golf merchandise, banquet facility, golf instruction, wedding & food beverage services.
What question are you asked most frequently by clients / prospective buyers? Are we flexible in meeting all customer needs – Our answer yes, we are always willing to adapt to whatever is the best interest of the client and also the best interest of Twin Oaks.
What is your favorite business success story? Looking back at the COVID-19 shutdown and how our business was able to come back with full steam once we re-opened. There were obviously a lot of questions on how things would play out – Across the entire industry, golf has become bigger than ever as we have grown the game with new golfers across all demographics and also retained our existing core golfers. While it was challenging dodging constant changes to our public health standards, our company was always quick to adapt to new policies in order to provide the best experience possible to all of our guests. In addition, we have been able to rethink how we do business while maximizing all opportunities given. This not only includes golf or other related activities, but banquet events in general I think are better than they ever have been. We are taking the time to ensure the successes of each event well in advance and also requiring proper standards moving forward. We are seeing both golf and all events still striving ahead with a lot of success. Thinking back to when the pandemic happened and where we are now, I think is a great story to tell.
What motivated you to join The San Marcos Chamber? As someone doing business. To give back to the community, promote Twin Oaks Golf Course and support our fellow partners in San Marcos.
What's your best piece of business advice? Take your time, as necessary, when dealing with any challenge or situation. Don’t be too reactionary, but rather be more proactive in planning and strategizing to prepare yourself when a challenge occurs. Deliberate with your team to ensure we make proper decisions that are in the best interest of all employees, guests and the business itself.
Business website:
Business Instagram handle: @twinoaksgc
Business Facebook page: @TwinOaksGolfCourseSanDiego