Member Spotlight: Pacific Lasertec, LLC
Name of business/organization: Pacific Lasertec, LLC
First and last name: Lynn Strickland
Name of owner(s): Owned by the 2 founders + a small group of other investors.
What is your role in your company? President, CEO, co-founder.
Location of business: 215 Bingham Drive, San Marcos
Business website:
How long have you been in business? Since 2018.
What does your business do? We manufacture lasers and laser-based subsystems for analytical instrumentation applications such as FTIR Raman spectroscopy, wavelength references, interferometry, cytometry/immunology, and general research.
How long have you been in business at your current location? We have been in our current location since the company was founded in November of 2018, though the business is a continuation of one that was originally founded in North San Diego County in 1979. We have also recently acquired a related business in Colorado Springs, Colorado whom we operate as a wholly owned subsidiary.
What sets you apart from others in your industry? Depth of expertise, experience, responsiveness, customer oriented.
What question are you asked most frequently by clients / prospective buyers? Related to product technical specifications.

What is your favorite business success story? In early 2018 the product line was discontinued by the former owners. We acquired the equipment and restarted manufacturing operations, having zero customers or sales revenue at the beginning. Within less than 2 years, we became the worldwide market leader in this technology area, serving multiple Fortune-500 manufacturers of Analytical Instrumentation.
What motivated you to join The San Marcos Chamber? While we don’t have a lot of business activities that involve the local community (more than 60% of our business is overseas). However, we feel it is important to engage with the community in which we operate, and in which many of our employees reside.
As someone doing business in San Marcos, what are you looking forward to accomplishing with the Chamber? Simply to stay plugged-in to the community. When establishing operations, we specifically chose San Marcos due to its business-friendly posture.
What’s your best piece of business advice? Three things: (1) You don’t have to exceed customer expectations – just consistently meet them, and you’re better than 95% of your competition. (2) Focus on doing the basics well and worry about the “fancy stuff” later … and if you do the basics well, you usually don’t have to worry about the fancy stuff. (3) You out-compete in the marketplace with your PEOPLE. You need them, more than they need you, treat them accordingly.