Member Spotlight: GrandCare Systems
Name of business/organization: GrandCare Systems
First and last name: Laura Mitchell
Name of owner(s): Angel Investors
What is your role in your company? CEO
Location of business: 2888 Loker Ave E, Carlsbad, CA 92010
Business website:
Business Instagram handle: grandcaresystems
Business Facebook page:
How long have you been in business? Since 2005 (Over 16 years)
What does your business do? GrandCare is a remote monitoring technology which addresses the staffing crisis for aging & disability service providers. Using a large interactive touchscreen and activity/health monitoring sensors, GrandCare’s large touchscreen at the loved one’s residence provides check-ins, daily tasks, reminders, entertainment, family connection and a secure one touch video chat. GrandCare’s activity and health monitoring sensors can alert designated caregivers if something seems amiss.
What services and/or specialty products do you provide? GrandCare’s 17 inch interactive touchscreen is a locked-down appliance in the resident’s home. Caregivers can remotely add the daily schedule, tasks, to do checklists, medication reminders, cognitive assists, and communications including pictures, messages and video instructions. The resident may use the device to communicate back, video chat with family and caregivers, listen to music, play games and more. Optional wireless telehealth and activity sensors can monitor and send alerts if something seems amiss or extra support is needed. Residents can request support from the touchscreen at any time and “check in” at designated times to ensure that all is well.
How long have you been in business at your current location? (If applicable, at other locations?) GrandCare is headquartered in Wisconsin (since 2005), but has only recently opened up offices in southern California (2021).
What sets you apart from others in your industry? GrandCare Systems was founded in 2005 by an MIT grad and a small group of visionaries who are still with the organization today. GrandCare was one of the very first technologies in the world to offer this type of touchscreen and sensor-based Hardware-as-a-service technology to the aging & disability population. GrandCare has been featured worldwide for its innovation, pioneering and thought leadership. Throughout its existence GrandCare has leveraged cutting edge technology in the service of keeping people independent, healthy, and safe.
What question are you asked most frequently by clients / prospective buyers? How hard is it to set up and does it require any technical expertise from the resident/loved one? It is incredibly easy to set up and requires only a source of power and a dedicated Internet connection. The loved one needs zero computer experience and the touchscreen is specifically designed with that demographic in mind.
What is your favorite business success story? A recent Xavier University study of GrandCare in smart disability group housing showed a 75% reduction in caregiving hours, improved resident satisfaction and a 50% reduction in caregiving costs (
What motivated you to join The San Marcos Chamber? GrandCare has always been heavily involved in the community, especially in our home city of West Bend, Wisconsin. As we have recently made the move to open a west coast office in Southern California, we wanted to get to know our community, the community leaders and give back however we can.
As someone doing business in San Marcos, what are you looking forward to accomplishing with the Chamber? We are interested in networking with community-based organizations, particularly in the aging and intellectual/developmental disability marketplace. GrandCare is designed to help professional caregiving organizations provide more cost effective, transparent and meaningful care without having to increase staff.
What’s your best piece of business advice? Always stick to the golden rule of business, do unto others as you would like them to do to you. Some may try to trick or cheat you, but that’s on them and should have no bearing on how you conduct business. We highly believe in good business karma. Do good to others and good will come to you.